Submission Guidelines

All submitted papers must be clearly written in excellent English and contain only original work. All papers must be submitted in an electronic format, MS Word preferred. Manuscripts should follow the formatting of the sample manuscript and references. You can refer to the details in submission manual All papers and some supplementary materials should be submitted through ScholarOne Manuscripts. The authors must select as “SI2024-HCIS2024Summer” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.

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Important Notice

  • Please DO NOT repeatedly create new paper id with an identical paper in our editorial system. When more than two identical papers are submitted in the editorial system, the papers will be rejected without review process. If any problems, please contact to a leading program chair.
  • In case of more than two withdrawals of accepted papers, the author will be placed on a blacklist in our DB. We will NOT allow your submission to Confs., SIs, and events.